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what is the c# equivalent of List and Iterator in Java?

I am manually converting this Java code to C#:

private static final List<BigInteger> PRIMES = Arrays.asList(new BigInteger[]
    { new BigInteger("10007"), new BigInteger("10009"),
      new BigInteger("10037"), new BigInteger("10039")});

Iterator<BigInteger> primes = PRIMES.iterator();

and this is my code in C#:

private static readonly List<BigInteger> PRIMES = new List<BigInteger> {
    10007, 10009,
    10037, 10039 };
IEnumerable<BigInteger> primes = PRIMES.AsEnumerable<BigInteger>();

However, I am not sure if my code is correct. I really do not understand about list and iterator in C#.

Please anyone help me to convert the code correctly, any assistance is greatly appericated.

Many thanks.

Your code is correct. List<T> is the C# equivalent of the java ArrayList<T> , and IEnumerable<T> is more or less the equivalent of the java Iterator<T> . The public API is a bit different, but the end goal is the same.

Note there's no need for the AsEnumerable call though. Since List<T> implements IEnumerable<T> you can just write:

IEnumerable<BigInteger> primes = PRIMES;

That said, calling AsEnumerable isn't really don't anything wrong or costly either.


Java 'List' is an interface, so the .NET equivalent is 'IList', and the .NET equivalent to Java's Iterator is 'IEnumerator', not 'IEnumerable':

private static readonly IList<System.Numerics.BigInteger> PRIMES = new System.Numerics.BigInteger[] { 10007, 10009, 10037, 10039 };

internal IEnumerator<System.Numerics.BigInteger> primes = PRIMES.GetEnumerator();

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