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Is there a method for iterating over an array in the view for select dropdowns ruby

High level overview:

I currently have a drop down menu in my view with multiple options for users

<%= f.select :carrier, options_for_select([["Select One", ""], "T-mobile", "Sprint",       
"Virizon", "AT&T", "Tracphon", "U.S. Cellular", "Cricket"]), :class => 'genForm_dropBox' 

I'd like to update this dynamically by creating an carriers table so that I can loop through all carriers and add them to the dropdown without having to edit code to add carriers.

I've got a method in my controller

def craft
        gateway_arry = Array.new
        @carriers = Carrier.all

        @carriers.each do |t|
            gateway_arry << t.gateway 

I'd like to iterate over this gateway_arry array in the view for select dropdowns. Is there a method for this in the view for select dropdowns ruby? If so what does it look like?

Thanks guys


collection_select(:post, :id, Carrier.all, :id, :name)

You mean that ?

f.select :carrier,
         options_for_select([["Select One", ""],
         :class => 'genForm_dropBox'

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