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Open popup on leaflet from outside of map?

I am using leaflet maps, when I click on the map the map will open a popup in a set place and center on the location using the following code.

  var popup = L.popup();

 function onMapClick(e) {
    .setLatLng([40.737, -73.923])
    .setContent("You clicked the map at " + e.latlng.toString())
     thisLeafletMap.panTo(new L.LatLng(40.737, -73.923));

 thisLeafletMap.on('click', onMapClick);

However I want the above code to work when a set html element is clicked rather than the map.

So I was trying something like

  $('.lid').click(function() {

Where .lid is the element to be clicked, but I do not know how to declare the function properly, what would I need to put in the above click function to open the popup as declared in the popup above?

Thank you for any help

to merge them I just put

   $('.lid').on('click', onMapClick);

So the query ran when I clicked th div instead of the map



  data-rel="popup"  in your anchor tag....I just looked at some older code of mine that works, It if that does not do the trick Let me know. I will go find what is missing

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