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Node counter in Binary Search Tree

basically... i'm trying to get my "count" method to count how many nodes there are in the tree... but the recursion isnt working.. how do i do it?

Created on Jul 11, 2013
To practice building native recursion things
@author: bailey
class AllWords :
  def __init__(self):
    self.my_tree = Tree()
  def add(self, fresh_word):

  def __str__(self):
    return str(self.my_tree)

class Tree :
  def __init__(self):
    self.root = Blob()
    self.size = 0 # initialising size to be zero
    self.tutti = "" # to hold all content data
    self.left_edges = 0
    self.right_edges = 0
    self.x = 0
    self.b = 0

  def __str__(self):
    if self.is_empty() :
        return "This tree is empty"
    else :  # so the tree at least has something in the root
        self.tutti += "This tree has depth = " + str(self.get_depth())
        self.tutti +=  ", and contains the " + str(self.size) + " objects:\n"
        self.tutti += ", and has " + str(self.x) + " nodes \n"
        self.tutti += "This tree has " + str(self.left_edges) + " edges on left.\n"
        self.tutti += "This tree has " + str(self.right_edges) + " edges on right.\n"
        self.tutti += "This tree has " + str(self.edge_stats()) + " edges in total.\n"
        self.grab_everything(self.root) # start at the root
        return self.tutti

  def grab_everything(self, my_blob):
    if not my_blob.left_is_empty() : # if there's something on the left
    self.tutti = self.tutti + str(my_blob.data) + ", " # update tutti
    if not my_blob.right_is_empty() : # if there's something on the right

  def is_empty(self):
    return self.size == 0

  def insert(self, something):
    if self.is_empty() : # put the something at the root
        self.root = Blob(something)
        self.size = 1
    else : # find where to put it by starting search at the root
        self.insert_at_blob(something, self.root)
        self.size += 1

  def insert_at_blob(self, something, blob):
    if something < blob.data : # look left
        if blob.left_is_empty() :
            blob.set_left( Blob(something) )
        else : # keep looking to the left
            self.insert_at_blob(something, blob.left) 
    else : # look right
        if blob.right_is_empty() :
            blob.set_right( Blob(something) )
        else : # keep looking to the right
            self.insert_at_blob(something, blob.right)         

  def get_depth(self): # depth is max number of edges from root outwards
    if self.is_empty() : 
        return -1 # my choice of answer if there's nothing there
    else : # note: will define a root-only tree to have depth 0
        return self.get_subdepth(self.root)

  def get_subdepth(self, blob):
    if not blob.left_is_empty() :
        left_depth = self.get_subdepth(blob.left)
    else : 
        left_depth = -1 # since that node is empty
    if not blob.right_is_empty() : 
        right_depth = self.get_subdepth(blob.right)
    else : 
        right_depth = -1 # since that node is empty
    return max(left_depth, right_depth) + 1

  def count_left_only(self):
    if not self.root.left_is_empty():
    else :
        print("There are no left edges.")

  def _count_left_only(self, blob):
    if not blob.left_is_empty():
    self.left_edges += 1

  def count_right_only(self):
    if not self.root.right_is_empty():
    else :
        print("There are no right edges.")

  def _count_right_only(self, blob):
    if not blob.right_is_empty():
    self.right_edges += 1

  def edge_stats(self):
    return self.left_edges + self.right_edges

  def count(self, blob):
    if blob == None:
    if not blob.left_is_empty()and not blob.right_is_empty():
        self.x = self.x + 1
            return (1 + self.count(blob.left) + self.count(blob.right))

class Blob : # a node class to hold data in a binary tree
  def __init__(self, data=None, left=None, right=None):
    self.data = data
    self.left = left
    self.right = right

  def set_data(self, thing):
    self.data = thing
  def set_left(self, blob):
    self.left = blob
  def set_right(self, blob):
    self.right = blob

  def left_is_empty(self): 
    return self.left is None
  def right_is_empty(self): 
    return self.right is None

  def __str__(self):
    return str(self.data)

import Searching

tout = Searching.AllWords()
print( str(tout) )

i get 0 but i should be getting 7

Tree has that method, but AllWords doesn't. You are passing in an AllWords object as blob in Tree.count() on the line that says tout.my_tree.count(tout) , because you have declared tout = Searching.AllWords() . You probably meant to make it a Tree .



because tout is not an instance of Blob



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