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liferay : rendering <portlet:renderURL> in custom taglib

want to create a link to other pages of portlet in my own taglib with out.print() but in execution liferay can't render <portlet:renderURL> taglibs : taglib code :

    int counter = 0;
    while (rs.next()) {
        int spcPk = Integer.parseInt(rs.getString("tCommodityGroupSpcPK"));
         result = "<tr>" +
                "        <td id=\"group-"+counter+"\">" +
                "            <a href=\"<portlet:renderURL><portlet:param name='jspPage'" +
                "             value='subGroup.jsp?p1="+spcPk+"'  /></portlet:renderURL>\" /> " +
                "       "+rs.getString("xa")+"    " +
                "            </a> " +
                "        </td> " +
                "        <td id=\"group-"+counter+"\">"+rs.getString("xx")+"</td> " +
                "        <td id=\"group-"+counter+"\">"+rs.getString("aa")+"</td> " +
                "        <td id=\"group-"+counter+"\">"+rs.getString("Result")+"</td> " +
                "    </tr>";


   // out.println(result);

in execution of view.jsp and other tags has been rendered successfully but the liferay taglibs don't .. when i click on links i have somthing like this in my url !!


can anybody help me in rendering that taglibs in custom taglib class ?

Thats obvious, JSP Engine consider your tag as any other markup. You have to use the API rather than Tag like mentioned below

PortletURL portletURL = renderResponse.createRenderURL();
portletURL.setParameter("jspPage", "subGroup.jsp?p1="+spcPk);

then inject portletURL.toString() into the markup


You should have access to both renderRequest and renderResponse implicitly if you define <portlet:defineObjects /> in your JSP .

The other way to get them from normal request object is

PortletResponse portletResponse = (PortletResponse)request.getAttribute(JavaConstants.JAVAX_PORTLET_RESPONSE);

You can refer to the source code of any of the existing Liferay UI Tags like asset-categories-navigation for more information.

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