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Select query from XML data

I am trying to get result from XML data but only getting a value of first node.

create table #temp(xmlString nvarchar(max))
insert into #temp (xmlString) values 
('<?xml version="1.0" ?><response status = "ERROR">

I want a result :

Error1, Error2

Please help. Thanks

    x.c.value('.', 'nvarchar(128)') as value
from (select cast(xmlString as xml) as data from temp) as t
    outer apply t.data.nodes('/response/error') as x(c)


correct answer

select STUFF((select ',' +  x.c.value('.', 'nvarchar(max)') 
from (select cast(xmlString as xml) as data from #temp)
as t outer apply t.data.nodes('/response/error')
as x(c)for xml path('')), 1, 1, '') as Errors

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