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PHP Connection Timeout Issue

In one of my application, users can upload CSV file (| separated fields), after uploading I am storing all the content of file in temporary table (I truncate this table every time for new upload so that it contains the current file data). After that I am iterating over each and every row of that table, and performs some database operation as per the business logic.

The following code will illustrate this:

$filename = $_FILES["csvupload"]["name"];
$uploads_dir = 'csvs'; //csv files...
$tmp_name = $_FILES["csvupload"]["tmp_name"];
$name =  time();
move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, "$uploads_dir/$name");

$csvpath = "$uploads_dir/$name";

$row = 0;
$emptysql = "TRUNCATE TABLE `temp`";

if (($handle = fopen($csvpath, "r")) !== FALSE) {
    $str_ins = "";
    while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, "|")) !== FALSE) {
                     *     Here I am getting the column values to be store in the 
                     *     the table, using INSERT command

    /*Here I am selecting above stored data using SELECT statement */

        echo "In the loop"; 
         /*If I use echo statement for debugging it is working fine*/

        /* I have tried this also but it is not working*/

         // Here is my business logic which mailny deals with 
         // conditional DB operation    

        echo "Iteration done."; 
        /*If I use echo statement for debugging it is working fine*/                          

The problem is when I execute aboe script on server it is giving server timeout error. But when I test above script on my localhost, is is working fine.

Also as mentioned in the code, if I use echo statements for debugging, then it is working fine, and when I remove that it starts giving connection timeout problem.

I have tried set_time_limit(300) , set_time_limit(0) , but none of them seems to work.

Any idea, how can I resolve the above problem.

-- Many thanks for your time.


I have checked that, files are uploading on the server.


change to


When max_execution_time is not set in php.ini set_time_limit valid.

I have resolved the issue using flush , to send intermediate output to the browser, while the query is executing in the background.

This is how I modified the code:


  /*At the end of each iteration, I have added the following code*/   
   echo " ";

Thanks to the contributors over this link PHP: Possible to trickle-output to browser while waiting for database query to execute? , from where I got inspiration.

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