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missing? class model django queryset

I'am trying to make a queryset in django but i'am without luck. for some reason my model seems to be wrong. I'll simplify.

I have this Classes in the models.py:

class RcAnalysis(models.Model):
    id = models.AutoField(db_column='Id', primary_key = True) # Field name made lowercase.
    some other 10 columns (srry can't post here)
    class Meta:
        db_table = 'rc_Analysis'

class RcAnalysistag(models.Model):
    analysisid = models.ForeignKey(RcAnalysis, db_column='AnalysisId') # Field name made lowercase.
    tagid = models.ForeignKey(LabTags, db_column='TagId') # Field name made lowercase.
    class Meta:
        db_table = 'rc_AnalysisTag'

I need to join the RcAnalysis with analysistag model. But i dont have a field that i can call RcAnalysisTag proper.

Its like this SQL query:

from rc_Analysis A
inner join rc_AnalysisTag At on ( A.Id = At.AnalysisId )
inner join lab_Tags T on ( T.Id = At.TagId )


Add a related_name="tags" to the foreign key definition. Then you can do:

analysis_object = RCAnalysis.object.get(id=1)
related_tags = analysis_object.tags.all()

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