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db2 query insert from another table

I have a table product(id_product , name );

I have another one: productHistory (id_H , id_product , name);

I wanna create a query (db2) to insert all the rows of product in productHistory;

I have a sequence product_history_seq

I wanna do something like that:

insert into productHistory 
        (id_h ,  , id_product , name) 
  values ( product_history_seq.nextval,..


select (id_product , name) from product

What's the correct query?

I believe you are looking for:

insert into  productHistory 
       ( id_h
       , id_product 
       , name
  select next value for product_history_seq
       , id_product 
       , name 
    from product 

Make id_h auto increment and try this

  insert into  productHistory ( id_product , name) values (select id_product , name from product );

id_h will auto-increment no need to put it in query

Hope it will help

INSERT INTO productHistory (id_h, id_product, name)
  FROM product);

That works


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