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DocuSign REST API Creating a Non-Numeric RecipientId Causes Invalid Recipient ID Error When Adding Tabs

I was able to add a recipient to an envelope with a recipientId that was the HASH of the recipient's email address (50a5ae9b6d8889c1fda3f140621b448b). However, I was not able to add tabs to that recipient. I was able to edit the recipient name and email address, so the system seems to be able to recognize the recipientId. It appears to be a problem with the recipientId in the URL since adding tabs is the only REST API call that uses the recipientId in the URL.

After more testing, I found that there is a limit of 32 characters to the length of the recipientId but you can still edit the recipient and assign a recipientId that is not valid (alphanumeric and/or greater than 32 characters).

I'm seeing different results, and seeing the system act as expected here. First off, if I try to add a 32 digit number for the recipientId such as


I'm able to add the recipient just fine, then subsequently modify their tabs. Next, if I try an alpha numeric string, such as (notice the z at the end)


The system generates an error stating INVALID_RECIPIENT_ID - A recipient ID is missing or invalid. I also get this error if I try a completely numeric number that is greater than 32 digits in length.

Please re-test and confirm your results, as this appears to be functioning as designed.

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