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setting negative literals in NVelocity

I'm trying to set a negative literal in my NVelocity template and it doesn't parse. Is there a trick to making this work?

numbers work: 数起作用:
#set($age = 27)

numbers do not work: 不起作用:
#set($age = -27)
#set($age = 27*-1)

Lexical error: NVelocity.Runtime.Parser.TokenMgrError: Lexical error at line 62, column 15. Encountered: "-"

I'm using Castle.NVelocity (dll-AssemblyVersion, FileVersion=, not the older Apache release

Could you please provide a failing unit test because negative literals work for me. I used the HEAD of our NVelocity source repository, however I am not aware of any changes in that area since 1.1.1 was released. If my unit test fails for you with that build, I can look into when this was fixed if you like.

public void NegativeLiterals()
    Assert.AreEqual("-27", Eval("#set($result = -27)\r\n$result"));
    Assert.AreEqual("-27", Eval("#set($result = 27 * -1)\r\n$result"));
    Assert.AreEqual("-27", Eval("#set($result = 27*-1)\r\n$result"));
    Assert.AreEqual("27", Eval("#set($result = -27*-1)\r\n$result"));

private string Eval(string template)
    VelocityEngine velocityEngine = new VelocityEngine();

    using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter())
        bool ok = velocityEngine.Evaluate(new VelocityContext(), sw, "", template);
        Assert.IsTrue(ok, "Evaluation returned failure");
        return sw.ToString();

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