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getJSON to populate dropdown list MVC4

I have the following controller action:

    public ActionResult GetCourseSections(int courseID)
         var Sections = dbcontext.CourseSection.Where(cs => cs.CourseID.Equals(courseID)).Select(x => new
            sectionID = x.CourseSectionID,
            sectionTitle = x.Title
        return Json(Sections, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

This returns the list that I am expecting. I then try to retrieve this list to populate a dropdown using the following code:

$.getJSON('@Url.Action("GetCourseSections", "Admin")',
            function(data) {
                var courseSectionDropdown = $('#coursesectiondd');
                courseSectionDropdown.append($('<option/>', {
                    value: 0,
                    text: "Test"
                $.each(data, function (index, data) {
                    courseSectionDropdown.append($('<option/>', {
                        value: data.value,
                        text: data.text

Although on debug I am able to see the list of JSON objects when adding them the only list item being added is the default option "Test" that I am setting. Can anyone see from my code why the data is not being read? Have I made a mistake in the jquery

You need to match your jQuery data properties with the same names from the method:

$.getJSON('@Url.Action("GetCourseSections", "Admin")', null,
        function(data) {
            var courseSectionDropdown = $('#coursesectiondd');
            courseSectionDropdown.append($('<option/>', {
                value: 0,
                text: "Test"
            $.each(data, function (index, data) {
                courseSectionDropdown.append($('<option/>', {
                    value: data.sectionID,
                    text: data.sectionTitle

Try this .. it will work ...

  $.getJSON("@Url.Content("~/Admin/GetCourseSections")", null, function (data) {
         for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {    
                 $('#coursesectiondd').append($('<option></option>').text(data[i].sectionTitle).attr('ID', data[i].sectionID));

it will work ...

 function changeSltLeague() {
        { leagueName: $("#sltLeagueId option:selected").text() },
        function (data) {
            currentLeagueId = data.Id;
            currentLeague = data.Name;
            showNextRoundInfo('/round/GetNextRoundOfLeague', data.Id);
 $(document).ready(function () {
    var leagueId = @leagueId;

    if (leagueId > 0) {
        $('#sltLeagueId option[value=' + leagueId +']').attr("selected", true);



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