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Generic type constraint of new() and an abstract base class

Here we have a simple class herarchy, and use of generics with a type constraint of new()

public abstract class Base 

public class Derived : Base

public class TestClass
    private void DoSomething<T>(T arg) where T : new()

    public void TestMethod()
        Derived d1 = new Derived();
        DoSomething(d1); // compiles

        Base d2 = new Derived();
        DoSomething(d2); // compile error

The code fails to compile at the indicated line, with an error of:

'Base' must be a non-abstract type with a public parameterless constructor in order to use it as parameter 'T' in the generic type or method 'Foo.DoSomething(T)'

This error is clear and makes sense, but I had hoped that the compiler would understand that all derivations of Base (that could be instantiated at this point) do have a public parameterless constructor.

Would this be theoretically possible for the compiler?

Alas you have to explicitly give the type


theoretically is not possible to create something that is abstract

new Constraint (C# Reference):

To use the new constraint, the type cannot be abstract.


Base d2 = new Derived();

You are in fact doing:

Base d2 = new Derived();

Since the Base is abstract, compilation error occurs.

So, you have to cast explicitly:

Base d2 = new Derived();
DoSomething((Derived) d2);

How could you ensure the compiler, that anyone ever put there something, that is not abstract?

The only manner that I see would be, if we got a keyword like "must-inherit-to-non-astract" and then create public must-inherit-to-non-abstract abstract class Base . After that, the compiler could be sure, that if you put the base instance into your method, that will be in fact a subclass, that is non-abstract and therefore can be instantiated.

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