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Select a column from a different table in SQL Server

I would like to be able to select the column pa.NumberOfPages from dm_package pa in the following select statement. How can I do this?

Select statement 1

Case When IsPackage = 1 then 'DM, Package' else 'DM' end as FaxType, 
FaxId,  RequestDate, FaxedTo, FaxNumber, Status, ExtendedStatus, StatusDate, 
UserName, IsPackage, DocumentId, -1 as PatientMedicationId, '' as Event, 
'-1' as NCPDPID, 0 as IsEPerscription, -1 as AccessionNumber,
Case When IsPackage = 0 then 
    (Select FilePath from PatientDocument where DocumentId = fl.DocumentId and ( '443' = -1 or '443' = PatientId )) 
    else (Select FilePath from dm_Package where fl.DocumentId = PackageId and ( '443' = -1 or '443' = PatientId )) End as Path, 
Case When IsPackage = 0 then 
    (Select LastFirstName from Patient p, PatientDocument pd where fl.DocumentId = pd.DocumentId and pd.PatientId = p.PatientId) 
    else (select LastFirstName from Patient p, dm_Package pa where fl.DocumentId = pa.PackageId and pa.PatientId = p.PatientId) END as LastFirstName, 
Case When IsPackage = 0 then 
    (select [Description] from PatientDocument where fl.DocumentId = DocumentId and ( '443' = -1 or '443' = PatientId )) 
    else (select PackageName from dm_Package where fl.DocumentId = PackageId and ( '443' = -1 or '443' = PatientId )) End as [Description], 
'' as JobId, -1 as SeqNumber, '' as RefNumber, (select DocId from dbo.PatientDocument pd where fl.DocumentId = pd.DocumentId) as DocId
FROM  dbo.dm_FaxLog fl

Table name dm_package pa

    pa.IsFax, pa.FaxName, pa.faxNumber, pa.FilePath, pa.DocRoot, pa.Note, pa.PatientId, 
    isnull(fl.ExtendedStatus,'') as FaxExtendedStatus, StatusDate as FaxStatusDate, pa.DocId, pa.NumberOfPages 

Are you familiar with how to join tables in SQL?


select a.data1, b.data2
from a_table a
join b_table b on a.data3 = b.data3

I assume FaxNumber in dm_FaxLog and dm_package are same. Then you can do -

SELECT f1.faxNumber, pa.NumberOfPages --list other required columns 
FROM   dm_FaxLog fl
INNER JOIN dm_package pa ON pa.faxNumber = f1.faxNumber

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