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Assemble: How can I generate pages from json/yaml?

Is there a way to generate pages from json/yaml if you provide a layout? I thought this was possible, but can't find in docs.

This is currently being tracked here in GitHub: http://webb.li/QjTX

Since the options.pages feature has been implemented, you can add pages like this:

options: {
  pages: {
    "about": {
      "data": {
        "title": "About"
      "content": "Content for {{title}}"

We aren't supporting automatic loading of a json/yml file, but you can do this inside your Gruntfile and add the object to options.pages that way...

module.exports = function(grunt) {


    // package.json
    pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),

    assemble: {
      options: {
        flatten: true,
        layoutdir: 'src/layouts',
        assets: 'dest/assets'
      blog: {
        options: {
          engine: 'handlebars',
          layout: 'post.hbs',
          site: {
            title: 'This is my Blog'
          pages: grunt.file.readJSON('pages.json')
        files: { 'dest/': ['src/index.hbs'] }

  // Load npm plugins to provide necessary tasks.

  // Default task.
  grunt.registerTask('default', ['assemble']);


This example uses the post.hbs file as the layout for any pages defined in the pages.json file. It will also build a page for the index.hbs specified in the files src array. Right now, the files dest/src is required so Assemble knows where to write the files, but I think we'll add that to the options, or the page object so it can be run without the files object.

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