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RegEx to match the patterns

I've got a requirement


Should all be true


anything with ? in it

should all return false.

I came up with the below in JS. But, after a few modifications I am completely lost..

/^\.?[^:\/]([\da-z\.-]+)\.?([a-z\.]{2,6})?(:[0-9]+)?([\/\w \.-]*)*\/?$/ 

My test stub looks below:


function urlRegExp(){ 
  return /^\.?[^:\/]([\da-z\.-]+)\.?([a-z\.]{2,6})?(:[0-9]+)?([\/\w \.-]*)*\/?$/.test(arguments[0]) + " " + arguments[0];  

I am unable to handle all the listed strings with this pattern. Whenever I change something to make something pass, another string fails. I am a beginner and just started into understanding RegEx deeply with the cookbook. However, it might take a while and I need it to be done sooner. Any help or guidance would be awesome.

Current Results:

should return true:

true .domain
true .domain.com
true .domain.com/path
true .domain.com:443/path
true domain.com
true domain.com/path
true domain.com:443/path
true domain
false /path  -- should be true
false :443/path  -- should be true

should return false:

false . 
false ./path
false .:443
true *.domain -- should be false
true *.domain/path -- should be false
true *.domain:443/path -- should be false
false /
false :443
false */path
false domain.com?q=a

Maybe something like this...


Explained here...

/^                 # Start regex, and start matching
[./:a-z]           # starts with dot, slash, colon or a-z
([0-9]+\/)?        # optionally has multi-digit number followed by slash
[a-z]+             # has one or more letters next
[^?]*              # has zero or more characters that are not `?`
$/                 # end of matching and end regex

Hard to know the specifics of what you are aiming for

Tests in...


rex = /^[./:a-z]([0-9]+\/)?[a-z]+[^?]*$/

for str in """
""".split /[\r\n]+/
    console.log "Should be true - is #{if str.match rex then 'true ' else 'false'} #{str}"

for str in """
""".split /[\r\n]+/
    console.log "Should be false - is #{if str.match rex then 'true ' else 'false'} #{str}"

and in...


var rex, str, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref, _ref1;

rex = /^[./:a-z]([0-9]+\/)?[a-z]+[^?]*$/;

_ref = ".domain\n.domain.com\n.domain.com/path\n.domain.com:443/path\ndomain.com\ndomain.com/path\ndomain.com:443/path\ndomain\n/path\n:443/path".split(/[\r\n]+/);
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
  str = _ref[_i];
  console.log("Should be true - is " + (str.match(rex) ? 'true ' : 'false') + " " + str);

_ref1 = ".\n./path\n.:443\n*.domain\n*.domain/path\n*.domain:443/path\n/\n:443\n*/path\ndomain.com?\ndomain.?com\n?domain.com".split(/[\r\n]+/);
for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
  str = _ref1[_j];
  console.log("Should be false - is " + (str.match(rex) ? 'true ' : 'false') + " " + str);

Both output the same...

Should be true - is true  .domain
Should be true - is true  .domain.com
Should be true - is true  .domain.com/path
Should be true - is true  .domain.com:443/path
Should be true - is true  domain.com
Should be true - is true  domain.com/path
Should be true - is true  domain.com:443/path
Should be true - is true  domain
Should be true - is true  /path
Should be true - is true  :443/path
Should be false - is false .
Should be false - is false ./path
Should be false - is false .:443
Should be false - is false *.domain
Should be false - is false *.domain/path
Should be false - is false *.domain:443/path
Should be false - is false /
Should be false - is false :443
Should be false - is false */path
Should be false - is false  domain.com?
Should be false - is false  domain.?com
Should be false - is false ?domain.com

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