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How to switch the language of the Struts2?

I use Struts2 and Struts2-Jquery, for example to preper my calendar I do this.

<%@ taglib prefix="sj" uri="/struts-jquery-tags"%>

<sj:datepicker id="fecini" name="oferta.finiOferta"
                placeholder="dd/mm/aaaa" displayFormat="yy-mm-dd" minDate="0"
                data-mask="99/99/9999" />

But the calendar show me the names of months and days in English (by default), i need to show it in Spanish.

What can i do in this case?

The <sj:head> tag allows you to set locale. Use locale.language OGNL expression to get current language.

<sj:head locale="%{locale.language}" />

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