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Add dictionary values to dynamic object in C#

I have a method that returns an object of dynamically created and would like to add the keys of a dictionary as the dynamic properties of this object and dictionary values ​​as values ​​of the properties of this new object. Below is the method but am having no success, someone help me understand and do this?

*is not a dictionary object is an object with values ​​(key and value) of a dictionary

public Object setObjectProperty(Dictionary<String, String> dictionary)
    dynamic newObj = new ExpandoObject();

    foreach (var word in dictionary)
        newObj.word.Key = word.Value;

    return (Object) newObj;

ExpandoObject implements IDictionary<string, object> , but it implements those methods explicitly. Simply cast it to that type and then you can access the Add method:

public static Object setObjectProperty(Dictionary<String, String> dictionary)
    IDictionary<string, object> newObj = new ExpandoObject();

    foreach (var word in dictionary)
        newObj.Add(word.Key, word.Value);

    return newObj;

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