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3D Array to 3D std::vector

I replaced a 3D array with a 3D std::vector in my code function and it's entering a infinite loop .Could you give me a hint,I really need to use a vector instead an array.Thanks:)
My initial code was:

//arr is a 3D array of a sudoku table,the 3 rd dimension is for keeping values 0 to 13  
//for a cell, and when I assign values I start from index 1 to 12

bool sol(int arr[12][12][13]) {
int row,col;

if(!find_empty(arr,row,col)) return true;

for(int i=1;i< 12;i++) { //for digits 1 to 12
    if(is_working(arr,row,col,arr[row][col][i]) ) {   //if i can put the value in a cell
        arr[row][col][0] = arr[row][col][i];  //replace the first element for a cell with that value
     //here I want to use vector because I want to use an ac3 algorithm 
     //and remove those values that not satisfy constraints and shrink domain size having less values to verify with backtrack

        if(sol(arr)) return true;

        arr[row][col][0] = 0;

return false;//if not backtrack

I replace arr with:

std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int> > > vec;
for(int i=0;i<12;i++)
for(int j=0;j<12;j++)
    for(int k=0;k<13;k++)

bool sol(std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int> > >& vec) {
int row,col;

if(!find_empty(vec,row,col)) return true;

for(int i=1;i< vec[row][col].size();i++) {//for remainig values in domain
    if(is_working(vec,row,col,vec[row][col][i]) ) {//same as above but having less values to verify for
        vec[row][col][0] = vec[row][col][i];

        if(sol(vec)) return true;

        vec[row][col][0] = 0;

return false;

and now it's entering a infinite loop!The initial code has no errors,it's a simple backtracking.The problem appears after I replace arr with vec .Could you give me some advice on how to replace 3D arr with an 3D vector

Your question is not clear enough. If you can also post the code for is_working and find_empty, then we would be able to see how you are getting the values of row and column. I would have put this as a comment but being a new member and not having enough reputations, I have to put this as an answer. I'll edit it once you share the code for is_working() and find_empty()


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