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How do I get the text from this JSON file using GSON?

Im using GSON to parse this JSON file:

    "database" : {
        "source" : "google",
        "items" : [
            {"title" : "hello world",
            "id" : "id_hello_world"},

            {"title" : "goodbye world",
            "id" : "id_goodbye_world"}

Which ive read into String jsonLine

Im trying to parse it and output all the values but im getting a ClassCastException at the

JsonObject source = database.getAsJsonObject("source") line.

I think im searching for the data wrong. Im using this to search and output:

        JsonElement jelement = new JsonParser().parse(jsonLine);

        JsonObject jobject = (JsonObject) jelement;

        JsonObject database = jobject.getAsJsonObject("database"); //Get Database
        JsonObject source = database.getAsJsonObject("source"); //Get Source
        System.out.println("Source: " + source.toString()); //Print source

        JsonArray items = database.getAsJsonArray("items"); //Get items array

        for(int i=0; i< items.size(); i++){ //for every item
            JsonObject item = (JsonObject) items.get(i); //Select item i
            JsonObject title = (JsonObject) item.getAsJsonObject("title");
            JsonObject id = (JsonObject) item.getAsJsonObject("id");
            System.out.println("Item " + i + " title : " + title.toString() + ", id : " + id.toString());

If someone could correct my code that would be perfect. I know there are other simpler ways to do this using GSON.fromJSON(jsonLine, Wrapper.class) but im trying to learn to do it this way too. Thanks for the help!

Before you are going to use Gson method, create your template structure:

class Item{
  private String item = "";
  private String id = ""; // for sure you can use 'int'

public class DataBase{
  private  List<Item> items = null;
  private String source = "";

Now your main class:

public class YourClass{
 private DataBase database = "";


 database  = gson.fromJson(yourString, YourClass.class);


Don't forget try/catch wrapper


use JsonPrimitive instead of JsonObject . (it must be internal bug of GSON, because, trying to convert JsonPrimitive to JsonObject was impossible, as far as the version of GSON 2.2.3) So, your code comes like this:

JsonElement jelement = new JsonParser().parse(jsonLine);

JsonObject jobject = (JsonObject) jelement;

JsonObject database = jobject.getAsJsonObject("database"); // Get
                                                            // Database
JsonPrimitive source = database.getAsJsonPrimitive("source"); // Get
                                                                // Source
System.out.println("Source: " + source.toString()); // Print source

JsonArray items = database.getAsJsonArray("items"); // Get items array

for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { // for every item
    JsonObject item = (JsonObject) items.get(i); // Select item i
    JsonPrimitive title = item.getAsJsonPrimitive("title");
    JsonPrimitive id = item.getAsJsonPrimitive("id");
    System.out.println("Item " + i + " title : " + title.toString()
            + ", id : " + id.toString());

As Maxim Shoustin showed, creating template will be good solution for it.

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