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Option cascade_policy_on_non_containment in Teneo

I am working with Teneo/EMF/Hibernate and I've made a simple test.

  • I create 2 objects A and B. A has a non-containment relation one-to-many with B (B1).
  • This is my test code:

     // LOAD A Session session = this.hbds.getSessionFactory().openSession(); Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); A loadedA = (A)session.createQuery("FROM A a LEFT JOIN FETCH a.b1").list().get(0); transaction.commit(); session.flush(); session.close(); // LOAD B session = this.hbds.getSessionFactory().openSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); B loadedB = (B)session.get("B", (Long)6L); transaction.commit(); session.flush(); session.close(); // ADD B TO A session = this.hbds.getSessionFactory().openSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); loadedA.getB1().add(loadedB); //loadedA.getB1().add(b); session.saveOrUpdate(loadedA); transaction.commit(); session.flush(); session.close(); this.hbds.close(); 
  • The following ones are my different configurations for the option CASCADE_POLICY_ON_NON_CONTAINMENT in Teneo and the respective error messages I get:
    • REFRESH, MERGE, PERSIST: org.hibernate.NonUniqueObjectException: a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session: [B#6]
    • REFRESH, MERGE: works, but if I create a new object "b" that is not in the DB and try to add it to A, I get the following error: org.hibernate.TransientObjectException: object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing: B

Do you know what is the right configuration to work with saveOrUpdate and to avoid these errors? Or any solution to avoid this problem?

Martin Taal answered my question in Eclipse's Forum.


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