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PHP/MySQL Prepared statement not assigning a value to a variable?

I have a prepared statement (select with joins) inside my php that seems to be assigning values to all but one of its variables:

$dbRating = "x";
$dbFavDate = "x";

if($stmt = $dbcon->prepare("
    SELECT i.*, u.username, r.rating, f.date_favorited
    FROM image i 
        INNER JOIN user u ON u.uid = ? 
        LEFT JOIN rating r ON r.iid = ? AND r.uid = ? 
        LEFT JOIN favorite f ON f.iid = ? AND f.uid = ? 
    WHERE i.iid = ?")) {
    $stmt->bind_param("iiiiii", $qImageOwner, $qImageId, $uid, $qImageId, $uid, $qImageId);
    $stmt->bind_result($dbIid, $dbOwnerUid, $dbTitle, $dbDescription, $dbFilename, $dbCatid, $dbDateCreated, $dbDateModified, $dbOwnerUsername, $dbRating, $dbFavDate);

I have put this query into phpmyadmin directly and gotten back all expected values, so I know it's not the sql. I am getting all values returned as expected except for the $dbFavDate, for some reason this always displays as 'x' (the initial value I assigned to it before the query), while the $dbRating which is handled the same way returns the expected associated rating value. No errors are produced, it seems that variable is just not being assigned the actual value returned from the query?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, TE

Argh! Finally. It was neither a problem with the sql OR php. An if statement in the javascript was using

if (dbFavDate = 'x') {

rather than

if (dbFavDate == 'x') {

(>_<) !! Thanks for the input guys.

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