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How to set dynamically check boxes disable Property?

I added check boxes dynamically using data table and grid view. But all the check boxes are disable. How to enable it?

this is my code

    DataTable dt = new DataTable("UserAcess");         

    DataColumn dc1 = new DataColumn("PageName");

    foreach (var item in RoleName)
        DataColumn dc = new DataColumn(item.RoleName, typeof(bool)); 


    foreach (var page in pageName)

        DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();

        dr["PageName"] = page.PAGE_NAME;

         foreach (var role in RoleName)

           dr[role.RoleName] = false; 


    gridUserAcess.DataSource = dt;

this is my grid view.

  <asp:GridView ID="gridUserAcess" runat="server">


I don't knowhow to set check box property. Please help me..




what to you mean by "Dynamic" - are the checkboxes in the markup of your GridView or do you create them somewhere else in your code behind.

You can use Eval in your Markup:

<asp:CheckBox ID="deactivated" runat="server" checked="<%#Eval(Container.DataItem, 'Deactivated')%>"></asp:CheckBox>

Otherwise use


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