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GET .json from Helpscout API using Python

I'm a newbie to Python API, and wanted to obtain the json object "Conversation thread" from Helpscout, following their developer API documentation .

I attempted requests.get("https://api.helpscout.net/v1/conversations/{id}.json") (I replaced the id with an actual conversation) but that returns a 401 error.

Helpscout gives out a API_KEY which I need to somehow pass it to the requests. How do I go about doing it?


In [23]: requests.get("https://api.helpscout.net/v1/conversations/10532436.json")
Out[23]: <Response [401]>

您需要在其中添加API密钥...使用: requests.get("https://api.helpscout.net/v1/conversations/{id}.json", auth=('{API_KEY}','X')) ,当然也可以使用从helpcout获得的API_KEY替换API_KEY。

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