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Regular Expression for asp.net for International & local phone numbers

I am using following regular expression to cover international phone numbers & some local phone number which can be in this format only

International Phone number

+123 456789123

+12 3456789123

Local Phone number format (Mobile no. followed by landlines numbers)

123 4567890

12 3123456

Regular expression which i am using


This regular expression works well with international numbers only irrespective of prefix + is added or not but doesn't allow any while space character.

I want it to support above formats for as show in example and should also support all international phone numbers

I am working on asp.net just in case if some one wants to know.


I finally end up using following Regex which also handles extension


Hi some comment about you're regex

[\+]{0,1} could be \+?  // easier to read, + as optional
[1-9]{1} could be writen as [1-9]
[0-9]{7,11} should be [0-9\s.-]{7,11}  // phone numbers van contain - or .

You totaly regex would be


phone numbers could be writen as

  • 070-3233123
  • 070.3233123


You could break youre problems in 2 steps:

First match possibele phone number by increasing range from 11 to 20


next step is to remove non numbers and verify length is between 8 and 12

string phone = "070.3233123";

string onlyNumbers= new String(phone.ToCharArray().Where(c => Char.IsDigit(c)).ToArray());

if (onlyNumbers.length > 8 &&  onlyNumbers.length < 12)
    // we got a winner



Below pattern will validate the following format

^\s*\+?[0-9]\d?[- .]?(\([2-9]\d{2}\)|[2-9]\d{2})[- .]?\d{3}[- .]?\d{4}$


+1 (281) 388 0388
+65 281 388-0388
+91 281 388 0388
+65 2813880388

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