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How to find “a href” tag inside a List View in asp.net using jquery

I need to find anchor tag in side a <asp:ListView> using jquery. Sample code is given below.

<asp:ListView ID="lstview" runat="server">
   <td class="col-item-actions">
    <a id="aShare" runat="server" href="#modal-share" class="button button-small modal-trigger">Share</a>

I need to find the anchor tag and change its href dynamically using jquery.

Can any body please help me to solve this.


$("#'<%=ListView.ClientID %>'").find("a").attr("href","srt your href");


Since you have classes assigned. You could try:

$("#<%= lstview.ClientID %> .button").attr("href","yourhref");


$("#<%= lstview.ClientID %> .button-small").attr("href","yourhref");

Notice the lstview.ClientID because this is dynamically generated id.

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