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How to defind the relationship between classes in java?

More specific about the question: //There're two classes A and B:

Class A {
public static List<B> b = new ArrayList<B>();

Class B {

In my schema, I want to an object b from Class B. Then under all circumstances,object b will involve at least two objects "a_x" and "a_y" from Class A. How can I create such a relationship?

First thing,This public static List<B> b = new List<B>(); wont compile.

You might need public static List<B> b = new ArrayList<B>();

You cannot instantiate an Interface.So provide an concreate implementation. Ex:ArrayList

And second thing,You should add them directly where ever your are creating this list .

If you have a relation where each B is related to at least two A instances, then B needs a collection-typed field. For example:

   public class B {
       private List<A> relatedAList = new ArrayList<>();

This needs to be an instance field, not a static field.

But if you have a 2+ relationship, it doesn't make sense to call the related objects x and y ... because what if there is a z , and a p and so on. Unless there is a fixed upper bound on the number of related A objects for each B , you have to use some kind of collection to represent each B 's related A s.

This is the relationship:

class A
    public List<B> b = new ArrayList<B>();

class B

    A ax;
    A ay;

    B(A ax, A ay)
        this.ax = ax;
        this.ay = ay;

This is what you need?

Why do you need such relantioship?

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