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How to make datepicker cell editable?

I am using GWT datepicker cell in my celltable. Here onclick event and on enter event it popups datepicker and set the cell value to the date we have selected. Now i want to remove the selected date from cell and make the cell blank , any workaround for this?


  public void onBrowserEvent(Context context, Element parent, Date value, 
                             NativeEvent event, ValueUpdater<Date> valueUpdater) {
       super.onBrowserEvent(context, parent, value, event, valueUpdater);
       if ("click".equals(event.getType())) 

From what I understand you want to delete a date from a table cell.

One way to do this is to modify the constructor of DatePickerCell and to add a button that clears the date.

First copy com.google.gwt.cell.client.DatePickerCell in your progect

Unfortunately the editors can't be modified and you have to copy the editor. (All members are private)

HorizontalPanel horizontalPanel = new HorizontalPanel();

Button button = new Button("Clear");
button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler()
    public void onClick(ClickEvent event)
        // Remember the values before hiding the popup.
        Element cellParent = lastParent;
        Date oldValue = lastValue;
        Object key = lastKey;
        int index = lastIndex;
        int column = lastColumn;

        // Update the cell and value updater.
        Date date = null;
        setViewData(key, date);
        setValue(new Context(index, column, key), cellParent, oldValue);
        if (valueUpdater != null) {


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