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Pass pointer from C++ to Python /w boost python?

I am using Boost Python, I generate a large vector of integers in C++, and I would like to access this vector in Python without copying it.

In C++ I have:

    def("ReturnVectorPtr", ReturnVectorPtr, return_value_policy<manage_new_object>());

vector<int>* ReturnVectorPtr()
    return new vector<int>();

Then in python I have:

import myModule

This causes Python to crash, although I'm not even storing the return value. Any ideas on what my mistake is?


The following code works for getting the data in the vector from C++ to python, but leaks memory. Are the vectors being copied and then not disposed?

In C++:

    def("ModifyVectorInPlace", ModifyVectorInPlace);

void ModifyVectorInPlace(vector<int>& data)
    // Modify data...

Then in python I have:

import myModule
vectorInt = myModule.vectorInt()

What is going on?

Edit 2:

I tried the "Raw C++ Pointers" example from here, exactly as written: https://wiki.python.org/moin/boost.python/PointersAndSmartPointers

It crashes too. It seems that I can't get a pointer to anything passed into Python for some reason...

Edit 3:

The crash appears to be a segfault from invoke.hpp, in this function:

template <class RC, class F BOOST_PP_ENUM_TRAILING_PARAMS_Z(1, N, class AC)>
inline PyObject* invoke(invoke_tag_<false,false>, RC const& rc, F& f BOOST_PP_ENUM_TRAILING_BINARY_PARAMS_Z(1, N, AC, & ac) )
    return rc(f( BOOST_PP_ENUM_BINARY_PARAMS_Z(1, N, ac, () BOOST_PP_INTERCEPT) ));

It turns out this was a bug in the interaction between Mingw-w64 and Python. I performed the procedure described here and the problem was solved:


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