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Why submit() is not working on FireFox 23 on a file upload form?

I have a file upload function on my website, it works correctly on Chrome, Safari, IE 7 & 10, but it just doesn't work with FireFox 23.0.1.

Here is the code:


<iframe style="display:none" src="about:blank" id="up_frame" name="up_frame" onload="iFrameDone()"></iframe>


function Create(tag,type,obj){
    var n = document.createElement(tag);
    if(type) n.type = type;
    n.id = UniqueId();
    return n;
fm = Create("form",null,uplButton);
fl = Create("input","file",fm);
fl.name = "up_file";
   // Keep Internet Explorer from complaining
   // move the from to a proper place & apply some styles.
    fm.Opacity(0);  // make it transparent
fl.onchange = function(){
   fm.method = "post";
   fm.encoding = "multipart/form-data";
   fm.action = "upload";
   fm.target = "up_frame";

Basically what I'm doing is to create a form on the top of my Upload button, and then making it transparent, a trick to achieve visual uniformity in my design. When the user selects a file, the onchange event is triggered and the form submitted through a hidden iframe .

This works perfect on Chrome and Safari. In order to make it work on IE I had to keep the form visible because otherwise it complaints: "access denied", that's the why of the if , but as you can see, the form submission mechanism is the same for all browsers.

I traced the code with the FF debugger and at the point at which submit is about to be executed all the members of fm contain the expected values, but if I click on the Single Step button to execute fm.submit() , it seems to just skip the instruction without doing anything at all, nothing is sent to the server and no error/warning message is logged at the console, so I have no clue of what's going on.


In order to discard a similar problem like the one I had with IE, I tested with the form visible but still get the same behavior.


This trick or a similar one is being used for all major email services, so there is a way to make it work, please don't give me answers like: "add a submit button".

This means no security problem, since I am not trying to force the upload of a specific file. What I'm trying to do is to pop up the "File upload" window and upload the file that the user chooses by his/her own free, aware and conscious will. But if the browsers does consider it a security issue then why it is not logged in the console? or otherwise reported to the user.

Solved after: uninstalling FF, downloading it from the official Mozilla web site and installing it again. For the record: if you plan to install Fire Fox, make sure you are downloading it from the official Mozilla web site...

This happened because I ignored a warning my antivirus gave me about the site from which I downloaded the first installation package.

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