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Dynamically Generating SQL Queries with Python and SQLite3

Below is a generalisation of my problem:

Consider the table

    ID    A    B    C
r1  1     1    0    1
.   .     .    .    .
.   .     .    .    .
.   .     .    .    .
rN  N     1    1    0

Where the columns A,B,C contain either 0 or 1 . I am trying to write a python function that takes a list of permutations of 0 's and 1 's, generates a query that will passed to SQLite3 that then counts the number of records that have A,B,C in one of these permutations.

For example if I passed the following list to my function permList = [[1,0,1],[1,0,0]] , then it would count all records with the [A,B,C] combination as either [1,0,1] or [1,0,0] .

Currently I am doing it like this

def permCount(permList):
    SQLexpression = "SELECT Count(*) FROM Table WHERE "

    for i in range(len(permList)):
        perm = permList[i]
        SQLexpression += "(A=" + str(perm[0]) + " AND B=" + str(perm[1]) + 
                      " AND C=" + str(perm[2]) + ")"
        if i!=len(permList)-1:
            SQLexpression += " OR "

    *Execute SQLexpression and return answer*

Now this is fine but it seems like a bit of a fiddle. Is there a better way to dynamically generate the SQL queries where the length of input permList is unknown?

def permCount(permList):
    condition = ' OR '.join(['(A=? AND B=? AND C=?)' 
                             for row in permList])
    sql = "SELECT Count(*) FROM Table WHERE {c}".format(
    args = sum(permList, [])
    cursor.execute(sql, args)

Use parametrized SQL . That means instead of inserting the values with string formatting, use placemarkers (eg ? ), and then supply the arguments as the second argument to cursor.execute .

This is easier code and prevents SQL injection .

Try these changes in your main for loop, to make use of pythons generators and list comprehension features.

def permCount(permList):

SQLexpression = "SELECT Count(*) FROM Table WHERE "

for perm in permList:    # if you need the i for other reason, you could write:
                         # for i, perm in enumerate(permList)

    a, b, c = [str(_) for _ in perm]

    SQLexpression += "(A=" + a + " AND B=" + b + \
                  " AND C=" + c + ") OR "

SQLexpression = SQLexpression[:-4] + ";"   # Trim the last " OR "

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