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Change SWT TreeItem parent

I am making a program in Java and I have a SWT tree widget that the user is supposed to toy with via drag and drop.

Now the problem is that when the user drags and drops a branch, I want to change the branch item's parent to whichever treeItem it was dropped on, but there doesn't appear to be any way to do so. I could simply create a new treeItem, but there is no easy way to transfer the children, so I need to redefine all the children, and their grandchildren and so on recursively. It seems pretty klunky and inefficient to me that I need to remake the entire branch just to change the parent.

Is there any clean way to do this?

Well, the clean way is to separate view/widgets from model (as in MVC). In case of SWT, you should use TreeViewer and implement ITreeContentProvider . jFace will take care of creating tree nodes for you and you only need to update your model and refresh the viewer.

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