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Reading values from console

I want to know if there are something like C's scanf() or printf() in C#?

String [] a1; 
String a = Console.ReadLine();
a1= s.split(); 

Int []  b; 

for(...) {b[i] = Int32.Parse(a1[i])}...

I could do something like scanf("%d %d %d %d %d", &a, ..., &e); ?

The closest thing C# has to printf is Console.WriteLine (or String.Format to output to a string). The syntax is different but the concept is the same. eg printf("%4.2f",100) becomes Console.WriteLine("{0:0.00}",100);

There is no equivalent to scanf . You need to use Console.ReadLine and parse the string manually.

After some looking around, It seems like c# does not have an implementation of scanf .

You can, however, use regular expressions to do the same thing

it does, however, have an equivelant of printf in the form of String.Format()

int i = 5;
double d = 5.0;
String.Format("this is an int:{0}, this is a double:{1}", i, d);
  [DllImport("msvcrt.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, CallingConvention =  CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
  public static extern int scanf(string buffer, string format, ref int arg0, ref int arg1);

That will let you use scanf in C#, i think:)

If not, you have to use split and convert:)

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