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View results of Stored Procedure

I have a stored procedure that executes a dynamically built string.

It unions several select statements from a constantly changing schema on another server I have no control over (hence the dynamic string). I want to be able to access the results of this procedure from a view, but this is where I get stuck.

I created a stored procedure (code below) which outputs my results to a table, but I want to be able to perform joins, etc. so it would be really convenient if there was some way to wrap this into a view- I'm thinking a table valued function, but I haven't quite figured out how to get the dynamic SQL into a function... any help is appreciated!

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_test]

SELECT @sql = ISNULL(@sql+'

','')+'SELECT TOP (900) *
                                   FROM   OPENQUERY(Linked_Server, 
                                                  'SELECT   col1, col2, col3

FROM dbo.'+  tableName+'
               UNION' FROM  dbo.ls_views

--dbo.ls_views is a view with the pertinent views/table names from the other server.

Set @sql = @sql+ '
Select top (0) ''1'', ''2'',''3'' from sys.tables '           
--last select statement is to end multiple unions... not sure if there is a better way, but this works.

    --PRINT (@sql);
        --EXEC  (@sql);
EXECUTE sp_Executesql @sql

Can you have SQL Agent execute this periodically and dump the results into another table/set of tables in your db?

Then you could use it as a straight join in whatever query you want.

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