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Is thread sleep necessary when reading from a socket stream?

I am reading from a socket input stream like this

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));
String line;

while((line = in.readLine()) != null){
   // do something
   Thread.sleep(10); // for example 10ms

Now, the read method of an input stream blocks until data is available.

In this case is cooling-down the thread a good idea? After 10ms it will be blocking anyway.

Please do not tell me about non-blocking IO, I know about that.

I am just curious whether it helps performance/CPU in anyway.

No . There's no reason to sleep. Why artificially slow down the read loop? Let it read data as fast as it comes in.

If you want to let other threads a cpu time, you should use:


But I'm not think it's necessary here- let the system thread scheduling do its job- it's pretty good.

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