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Query returning all system stored procedures listed by MS SQL Server

如何使用SQL查询获取MS SQL Server(2012)列出的所有系统存储过程?

sysobjects is deprecated. You can use

FROM   sys.all_objects
WHERE  type = 'P'
       AND is_ms_shipped = 1 
SELECT sch.name + '.' + obj.name
  FROM sysobjects obj, sys.schemas sch
  WHERE obj.type = 'P'
    AND sch.schema_id = obj.uid
    AND sch.name = 'sys'
    --AND obj.name like '%my_search_string%'--use this for filtering
  ORDER BY sch.name + '.' + obj.name
FROM   sys.all_objects
WHERE  type = 'P'
       AND is_ms_shipped = 1
SELECT name, 
  FROM dbo.sysobjects
 WHERE (type = 'P')

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