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Converting 64-bit bmp file to array in C/C++

Well, I'm a newbie in C++, and it's been two days since I'm looking for examples, explanations, I try different libraries, but I can not do it, so I just ask for help.

I have a picture in .bmp, I know the height and length, I would like to use in my program as a 2D array.

So I found this code , but it does not work. The problem is that my image is 64 bpp, although visually monochrome.

I have read the documentation , but I do not understand, due to my poor skills in C++ and everything related to the low-level programming.

Do you think it is possible to adapt the previous code for bmp image of 64 bits per pixel?

To my knowledge the bitmap file format does not support 64 bits per component. I'm not aware of any file format that allows such a format (Though id be surprised if one did not exist).

I find it hard to understand why you would need such a VAST range for an image format component.

Edit : Given your comment then yes it is absoloutely possible to adapt that code. Though its worth noting that 0..63 (64 colour levels) is 6-bit. I assume 2 bits are wasted, though.

Its quite simple if it is grayscale and the component is 8bpp. Basically the storage you need is width * height bytes.

char* pBitmap = malloc( bmp.width * bmp.height );

You can then fread the pixels directly into the char buffer above with a single width * height read.

Edit 2 :

Ok for 16 bit per component with 4 components you need a struct like this:

struct Pixel16RGBA
    unsigned short r;
    unsigned short g;
    unsigned short b;
    unsigned short a;

and then you'd allocate as follows:

Pixel16RGBA* pBitmap = (Pixel16RGBA)malloc( bmp.width * bmp.height * 4 * sizeof( unsigned short ) );

You would then fread the whole image in, as before, using the size calcluated in the malloc above.

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