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Visual Studio 2012 Deploying WPF via ClickOnce missing Folder and Files

I have a WPF project that I am ready to deploy using Visual Studio 2012 but I'm running into a missing folder issue.

If I Start the project in VS it runs fine and my test button works as expected.

When I Publish the project, the publish succeeds, running setup.exe installs successfully and program starts to main window fine.

Clicking the test button crashes the application.

Line that causes crash:
string[] reportFileNames = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles("Reports");

"Could not find a part of the path 'C:\\Users\\dirt\\AppData\\Local\\Apps\\2.0\\GEDD6PQW.N72\\8M9ONPGG.TVB\\prof..tion_40c30‌​d08e677b188_0001.0000_9a5540d4bfbe5aff\\ Reports'. "

Confirmed Exists:

Confirmed Does Not Exist: C:\\Users\\dirt\\AppData\\Local\\Apps\\2.0\\GEDD6PQW.N72\\8M9ONPGG.TVB\\prof..tion_40c30‌​d08e677b188_0001.0000_9a5540d4bfbe5aff\\Reports\\

The Reports\\MyReport.rdlc files have a Build Action of Resource and Copy to Output Directory of Copy always .

What am I missing?

Ok, was able to figure this one out rather quickly after typing that last sentence in the question...

In my case the Reports\\MyReport.rdlc file had a build action of Resource and all I had to do was change it to Content (and make sure Copy always is set).


Right click File in Solution Explorer -> Properties -> Build Action -> Content

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