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What algorithms exist to minimize the number of transactions between nodes in a graph?

That title probably doesn't make sense. Assume the following:

  • A owes B $5
  • C owes B $10
  • B owes D $15

In this basic situation there are three transactions but it can be reduced to two transactions:

  • A gives D $5
  • C gives D $10

Given a much more complicated graph, what algorithms exist to minimize the total number of transactions?

It seems to me the first thing you have to figure out how much each person is up/down after all transactions take place. For your example, that would be:

A :  -5
B :   0
C : -10
D : +15

Once you have that, you just have to make them all zero. Take your highest gain, and start adding losses to it. At this point it's basically a bin-packing problem.

It might be inefficient, but you could use Integer Programming.

Precompute net flow into/out of node i, ie Fi = total debts + total credits

Let M be a large number.

Let Yij be decision variable denoting amount node i pays to node j (ordered pairs).

Let Xij be binary variable to indicate that a transaction took place between i & j (unordered pairs)

Optimize the following:

min sum_{i,j} Xij

sum_{j!=i} Yij = Fi

Yij + Yji= <= M*Xij

You can try the greedy method. So

If A owes money to B and B owes C then A owes C the minimum of (A->B, B->C). And A->B -= min(A->B, B->C). If after this operation A->B becomes zero then you remove it. Loop till you cannot perform any further operation ie, there're no cycles in the graph.:

    bool stop = true;
    G.init() // initialize some sort of edge iterator
    while(edge = G.nextedge()){  //assuming nextedge will terminate after going through all edges once

        foreach(outedge in edge.Dest.Outedges){ //If there's any node to 'move' the cost
            minowed = min(edge.value, outedge.value)
            G.edge(edge.Src, outedge.Dest).value += minowed
            edge.value -= minowed
            outedge.value -= minowed
            if(edge.value == 0) G.remove(edge)
            if(outedge.value == 0) G.remove(outedge)
            stop = false

This amounts to basically removing any cycles from a graph to making it a DAG .

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