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How to set the value of an enum type?

I have the following:

TDirection = (dirNorth, dirEast, dirSouth, dirWest);
TDirections = set of TDirection;

In a seperate class I have it declared as a property:

property Directions: TDirections read FDirections write FDirections;

What I want is to be able to treat them as if they were Booleans, so for example if dirNorth was True then it would be 1 , if False it would be 0 .

I am trying to imagine it as (1,0,0,0)

I think to check if a direction is True, I could use:

  IsTrue: Boolean;
  IsTrue := (DirNorth in Directions);

Not sure if the above is correct or not, but then my other problem is how to change one of the directions to True or False ?

I have now reached one of my confusion states :(

This is the last thing I tried to set the value but I am getting Illegal Expression (in Lazarus).

Directions(TDirection(DirNorth)) := True;

Directions is a set of elements of type TDirection .

To see if it contains dirNorth , do dirNorth in Directions . The result of using the in operator is a boolean; dirNorth in Directions is true iff the set Directions contains the element dirNorth .

To make sure dirNorth is included in Directions , do Directions := Directions + [dirNorth] .

To make sure dirNorth is not included in Directions , do Directions := Directions - [dirNorth] .

To set Directions to a particular value, simply assign: Directions := [dirNorth, dirSouth] .

Formally, + computes the union of two sets; - computes the set difference of two sets. * computes the intersection of the two operands.

You also have the nice Include and Exclude functions: Include(Directions, dirNorth) does the same thing as Directions := Directions + [dirNorth] ; Exclude(Directions, dirNorth) does the same thing as Directions := Directions - [dirNorth] .

For example, if

  TAnimal = (aDog, aCat, aRat, aRabbit);
  TAnimalSet = set of TAnimal;
  MyAnimals = [aDog, aRat, aRabbit];
  YourAnimals = [aDog, aCat];


aDog in MyAnimals = true;
aCat in MyAnimals = false;
aRat in YourAnimals = false;
aCat in YourAnimals = true;

MyAnimals + YourAnimals = [aDog, aRat, aRabbit, aCat];
MyAnimals - YourAnimals = [aRat, aRabbit];
MyAnimals * YourAnimals = [aDog];

Implicit in my answer is the fact that the Delphi set type is modelled after the mathematical set . For more information about the Delphi set type, please refer to the official documentation .

You may add an item to a set by doing like this:

Include(Directions, dirNorth);

To remove it from the set:

Exclude(Diretions, dirNorth);

The help states that the result is the same as using the plus operator, but the code is more efficient.

Based on this helper , which doesn't work for properties, I created this one (requires XE6) - it can be used for variables and properties:

TGridOptionsHelper = record helper for TGridOptions
  ///  <summary>Sets a set element based on a Boolean value</summary>
  ///  <example>
  ///    with MyGrid do Options:= Options.SetOption(goEditing, False);
  ///    MyVariable.SetOption(goEditing, True);
  ///  </example>
  function SetOption(GridOption: TGridOption; const Value: Boolean): TGridOptions;

function TGridOptionsHelper.SetOption(
  GridOption: TGridOption; const Value: Boolean): TGridOptions;
  if Value then Include(Self, GridOption) else Exclude(Self, GridOption);
  Result:= Self;

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