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wpf collectionviewsource in viewmodel or xaml code-behind

I am in this dilemma and hope someone can help me out

sorry I cannot paste code here as company block posting here.

i am trying to use collectionviewsource in xaml. i tried two ways, static resource and cvs.source. first one works pretty well but limitation is i can only find resource from code-behind. but control ui and disaplay ui not on same view, i don't know how to trigger sort/filter so i move to second option, i put cvs in view model with properties exposed to both ui. but i got this famous error "trying to change ui not owned by this thread"

so generally what is good practice of where to put csv. i checked many places suggesting second option http://www.xamlplayground.org/post/2009/07/18/Use-CollectionViewSource-effectively-in-MVVM-applications.aspx and XAML Binding to a CollectionViewSource property on a ViewModel but seems no one mentioned ui thread ownership issue. am I doing something really stupid


If you keep having problems with threads, use a Dispatcher :

  new Action(() => /* modify the collection */));

Or use EnableCollectionSynchronization method, which is new in WPF 4.5 and will do the same for you:

private static object syncObject = new object();
BindingOperations.EnableCollectionSynchronization(yourCollection, syncObject);

Read more about it here .

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