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Inject object created in code-behind to ViewModel

Im creating an app using Bing Map and I create an Instance of the map in my XAML-file like this:

<maps:Map x:Name="MyMap"/>

I need to pass this instance of the Map to my viewModel, which is in another project(PCL), in order to "use" it. I have

I assume that the Map gets created in this.InitializeComponent() in the codebehind.

public MainPage()

This is also where my DI gets triggered:

 public ViewModelLocator()
            ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider(() => SimpleIoc.Default);

            SimpleIoc.Default.Register<IMap, MyBingMap>();                    

MyBingMap is the implementation of IMAP that I wish to pass to the VM. But before I do that I need it to have the instance of the Map that gets created in the code-behind.

I hope my questions is clear enough for someone. Im open to all suggestions that can pass myMap to the VM. Thank you!


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