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SQL Server Compact 4.0 Select Last DateTime For Each Day

I have a table in SQL Server Compact Edition 4.0 where I would like to extract the last record entered each day for every file. So if duplicate entries are made in the same day then only choose the last one for each file.

Column Name (DATA TYPE)

For example:

TimeStamp (DATETIME) | FileName (NVARCHAR)
  9/11/2013 4am      | File1.txt
  9/12/2013 11 PM    | File1.txt
  9/12/2013 11:30PM  | File1.txt
  9/12/2013 11:35pm  | File2.txt
  9/12/2013 11:36pm  | File2.txt
  9/13/2013 1am      | File3.txt

Would return

 9/11/2013 4am     | File1.txt
 9/12/2013 11:30PM | File1.txt
 9/12/2013 11:36pm | File2.txt
 9/13/2013 1am     | File3.txt

Thanks in advance for any help


SELECT MAX(TimeStamp) TimeStamp, FileName
  FROM Table1
 GROUP BY DATEPART(dd, TimeStamp), FileName

Here is SQLFIddle demo

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