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keeping track of copy-paste in x11 using clipboard

I'm a newbie to x11. As part of my final project, i have to keep track of all copy paste's in a single machine(from which window to which window) using clipboard in linux X window system. For that i think i need to work with open source x11. But i completely don't know where to start. Which module of x11 should i deal with, to handle the inter-client communication of the x window system. http://www.x.org/releases/X11R7.7/src/

If possible please provide me some good source for developers in inter-client communications of x11. I found so many docs in x.org, but nothing is clearly given regarding the implementation.

Cut-and-paste in X11 is based on window properties and selections. This is a very good intro to X11 paste buffers/clipboards/selections. Read about associated selections/properties, then use XSelectInput and monitor property / selection changes.

See also:

X11 Get Clipboard Text

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