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java L&F to obtain modern “wpf” look

Recently I found some absolutely beautiful applications made using WPF. I'd really like to add this lovely look to my java applications.


Do you know if there are look and feels which make it possible?

First of all think what are the key concepts of the new metro-UI ? Its flat and simple

1) use metro studio 2 to create icons for the project, use flat borders always

2) either create a full L&F or simply create small custom components ? or use Java FX ( http://pixelduke.wordpress.com/2012/10/23/jmetro-windows-8-controls-on-java/ , http://pixelduke.wordpress.com/category/javafx/page/3/ )

I was able to come little bit close to metro like text-buttons and background repeat panels, you might also want to see my repo here https://github.com/JaDogg/BhathiGUI

Bhathi GUI

above image is for my near metro custom controls

NOTE : this will not create an actual metro app just one that looks like it


Here is a screenshot of JavaFX application built using Undecorator and JMetro (JavaFX8) JavaFX的

Java was always stingy on new L&F. So new WPF style (developed for Windows 8 apps) is not available yet and i doubt it will be anytime soon.

The latest L&F released and provided together with Java SE was NimbusLookAndFeel. It is based on SynthLookAndFeel, which supposed to be a base for any custom L&F from now on.

There are also native L&Fs with:

  • Windows 2000 and Vista/7 styles (WindowsLookAndFeel)
  • GTK style (GTKLookAndFeel)
  • Mac OS style (AquaLookAndFeel)

There are also some good commercial L&Fs: Java Look and Feel (L&F)

So if you really want to have such L&F - you will have to modify some existing L&F so it matches WPF styling or wait for a miracle (that someone will release such L&F).

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