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Python object serialization to XML & deserialization from XML

How I can serialize instance of class to XML file and deserialize back?

For example.

I have class "Cat":

class Cat:

    def __init__(self, name, age, tail_length, weight):

Is possible make that?

timon=Cat(name='Timon', age=3, tail_length=20, weight=18)
magic_xml_serializer.serialize(destfile='cat-timon.xml', obj=timon)
print ('yes','no')[type(timon)=='Cat'] #yes

If it's possible to do, please write me how. Or just give me link with examples of code. Thanks!

PS Python version 2.7

you can use spyne for getting xml output over a server (RPC). spyne is excellent for soap if that is what you want (looking at your C# .NET background)

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