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regex to strip number from var in string

I have a long string and I have a var inside it

var abc = '123456'

Now I wish to get the 123456 from it.

I have tried a regex but its not working properly

            Regex regex = new Regex("(?<abc>+)=(?<var>+)");
            Match m = regex.Match(body);

            if (m.Success)
                string key =  m.Groups["var"].Value;

How can I get the number from the var abc?

Thanks for your help and time

var body = @" fsd fsda f var abc = '123456' fsda fasd f";

Regex regex = new Regex(@"var (?<name>\w*) = '(?<number>\d*)'");

Match m = regex.Match(body);

Console.WriteLine("name: " + m.Groups["name"]);
Console.WriteLine("number: " + m.Groups["number"]);


name: abc
number: 123456

Your regex is not correct:


The + are quantifiers meaning that the previous characters are repeated at least once (and there are no characters since (?< ... > ... ) is named capture group and is not considered as a character per se.

You perhaps meant:


And a better regex might be:


[^=]+ will match any character except an equal sign.

\\s* means any number of space characters (will also match tabs, newlines and form feeds though)

[^']+ will match any character except a single quote.

To specifically match the variable abc , you then put it like this:


(I added some more allowances for spaces)

Try this:

var body = @"my word 1, my word 2, my word var abc = '123456' 3, my word x";
Regex regex = new Regex(@"(?<=var \w+ = ')\d+");
Match m = regex.Match(body);

From the example you provided the number can be gotten such as

Console.WriteLine (
   Regex.Match("var abc = '123456'", @"(?<var>\d+)").Groups["var"].Value); // 123456

\\d+ means 1 or more numbers (digits).

But I surmise your data doesn't look like your example.

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