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Storing values securely in mySQL Database

I am creating a CakePHP web application. Obviously passwords are stored with a hash, but is there a way to securely store values of other fields that will be retrieved? I'm not talking anything as sensitive as credit cards, but SSN's and Salaries would be stored. I'm not sure what the standard for storing information such as this is, or if CakePHP has a helper for it. I am using InnoDB as the engine.

I'm not talking anything as sensitive as credit cards, but SSN's and Salaries would be stored.

CakePHP might not directly support this, but if you use CipherSweet , you can not only encrypt sensitive information before storing it, but still use these fields (indirectly) in your SELECT queries.

For example, you could encrypt the user's SSNs and salaries, and then maintain independent indexes of:

  • The user's SSN
  • The last 4 digits of the user's SSN
  • The user's salary

Additionally, CipherSweet exclusively uses authenticated encryption and ciphertexts are securely randomized . Under the hood, it goes out of its way to ensure each field and index has a unique key .

CipherSweet Example


use ParagonIE\CipherSweet\Backend\FIPSCrypto;
use ParagonIE\CipherSweet\BlindIndex;
use ParagonIE\CipherSweet\CipherSweet;
use ParagonIE\CipherSweet\EncryptedRow;
use ParagonIE\CipherSweet\KeyProvider\StringProvider;
use ParagonIE\CipherSweet\Transformation\LastFourDigits;

$cipher = new CipherSweet(
    new StringProvider(
        str_repeat("\xff", 32)
    new FIPSCrypto()

$ER = (new EncryptedRow($cipher, 'users'))
        new BlindIndex('ssn_idx', [], 32)
        new BlindIndex('salary_idx', [], 16)
        new BlindIndex(
            [new LastFourDigits()],

Encrypting and SELECTing

Ciphertexts are randomized, but indexes are static. Let's encrypt a user's records (let's call her Alice).

$plaintext = [
    'username' => 'alice',
    'ssn' => '123-456-7890',
    'salary' => 135000
list($row, $indexes) = $ER->prepareRowForStorage($plaintext);
$decrypted = $ER->decryptRow($row);
var_dump($row, $indexes, $decrypted);

This would produce something like:

array(3) {
  string(5) "alice"
  string(149) "fips:sZU-A5GvF0vrXFTuXJMoIjKrr3HAO83dSsfPXajlTkg7-ce9goff4TGsbnsmBje77USijlEp3xR0sDTo2gekZEtzoDaoNUbBcm57Va5DiFztHEV2QaREEzCdU-uV5MOg3dpxoxfq116ZRlMA"
  string(145) "fips:hoSB4beTtcMbOum2RoPYE8PSagvCDoeGq2mjiONm_mj6A_wobXxrMjb_x_Z-u7oMVg2TvpzXbxdN7JP0XGm6ITwefMMF5Jhq7rbYjAX38SWcCYcYyryHmBr5WgVFOJM-bvhuhAOEi6o="
array(3) {
  string(8) "3cc637b3"
  string(4) "bb0c"
  string(4) "5879"
array(3) {
  string(5) "alice"
  string(12) "123-456-7890"

If you were to also compare this with another employee's records (let's call him Bob), you'd see similar indexes:

$plaintext = [
    'username' => 'bob',
    'ssn' => '456-123-7890',
    'salary' => 135001

You would see something similar:

array(3) {
  string(3) "bob"
  string(149) "fips:yauOEc7jF529frr7BYf16N7WNDs0koRj5yX3RhyCVPacBWPr_G8KltBSjVkNobIu2sfeWeLFCRBr1p0VHoNCADd4PPcJa6IciKjU8-K5v7Znt93g-NNlhaMzPOLqE9UVob9YxKpMb-9ZEzcW"
  string(145) "fips:X64DBCbralyoNuE2sZvK_HjkRhIdrnNbVY2qaHfM1s6YmMUjNnRHVS0mq_SYS3Vo982BL72RMumhtPLwa4MoewOD8ycgbLhRx74-CjyFXdqFbPkEoeLESCBu471O-19Dx-4JJVGROHM="
array(3) {
  string(8) "6950e82d"
  string(4) "bb0c"
  string(4) "0287"
array(3) {
  string(3) "bob"
  string(12) "456-123-7890"

Some details worth noting:

  • Alice's ssn_last4_idx and Bob's ssn_last4_idx were identical ( bb0c for this key), because the LastFourDigits transform was applied.
  • Alice and Bob's SSNs and salaries differed, and therefore, their literal indexes ( ssn_idx and salary_idx ) differed.

So if your select query looks like this:

"SELECT * FROM users WHERE ssn_last4_idx = ?"

...you'll get two rows (one for Alice, one for Bob), since the last 4 digits of their SSNs are the same.

But if you were to do use this instead:

"SELECT * FROM users WHERE ssn_last4_idx = ? AND salary_idx = ?"
["bb0c", "0287"]

You'd only get Bob. Similarly:

"SELECT * FROM users WHERE ssn_idx = ?"

...would uniquely identify Alice.


Implementing searchable encryption is a nontrivial undertaking, but there's no need to reinvent the wheel.

CipherSweet isn't built into CakePHP, but there's no reason its inclusion couldn't be proposed in a future version.

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