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SQL requests optimization using OO PHP

I'd like to know if there's a way to fully optimize my SQL requests using OO PHP. Let's take an example, we have 3 object classes named like 3 tables :

  • Product : id, name, price, color...
  • Customer : id, name, surname, email...
  • Cart : id, id_product, id_customer...

All getters and setters are made classically. Now, I only want to display Product[name] and Customer[surname] on my payment page. The corresponding fully optimized request is

SELECT product.name, customer.surname FROM cart INNER JOIN product ON product.id = cart.id_product INNER JOIN customer ON customer.id = cart.id_customer

Where or how can I generate this fully optimized request using OOP ? And not having to retrieve entire objects and treat them later ? Do I have to create a method for each sql request I need to be optimized ? Maybe a request generator ?

Not sure I quite understand, but maybe something like this will jump start you:

function findIt($table,$field,$value)
    if ($result = $mysqli->query
        ("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $field like '$value' LIMIT 0,1;")) 
        return $result->fetch_object();

To call it:

echo $oCart->name;

What I was looking for is an ORM because it can manage requests optimization automatically. But ORMs are very constraining. So I have to create a function that generates my requests in a way that's optimized.

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