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Using Qt on Android installation

I am trying to install Qt 5.1 for Android, I am using steps described here: http://qt-project.org/wiki/Qt5ForAndroidBuilding

I installed all the prerequisites (JDK, Android SDK, NDK, etc.). My problem is with step 4, I cannot download Qt 5 from the git repo ( git://gitorious.org/qt/qt5.git ).

Has somebody encountered the same problem?

I took another Qt 5 for Android directly from http://qt-project.org/downloads but it would not build. When I use step 4.4 ( configure -.... ) I got the The system cannot find the file specified: arch.cpp and arch.obj error.

If you have a link or something that wil help me install Qt and deploy an app to Android please share.

The Qt Android version that you have download on qt-project is already built. You don't need to build Qt for Android, but build with Qt for Android. You just need to config Qt Creator to define SDK and NDK dirs. Follow this doc : http://qt-project.org/doc/qtcreator-2.8/creator-developing-android.html (main page : http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.1/qtdoc/android-support.html )

This should work:

git clone git://gitorious.org/qt/qt5.git qt5
cd qt5
perl init-repository --no-webkit

configure.bat \
    -developer-build \
    -xplatform android-g++ \
    -nomake tests \
    -nomake examples \
    -android-ndk D:/GitRepo/Resources/X2Go_Android/android-ndk-r8e \
    -android-sdk D:/GitRepo/Resources/X2Go_Android/AndroidSDK/sdk \
    -skip qttools \
    -skip qttranslations \
    -skip qtwebkit \
    -skip qtwebkit-examples-and-demos

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